Legal wedding in Bali
Dear Members,
Warmest Greetings from the Island of the Gods.
Congratulations on your engagement. I am pleased to take care of the legal wedding dated …….
FYI, to conduct a legal wedding ceremony the couple must be possessed a religious ceremony initially and it base on the religion of the couple which are recognized by the Government of Indonesia to include Bali, such us: Christian Protestant, Catholic, Buddhism, Hindu and Muslim.
The marriage should be registered with the district Civil Registrar & the ceremony must be performed under religious rites. You don’t have to be religious, we can do it Christian way which is the simplest way to do.
Indonesian authorities require that all foreigners planning to marry in Indonesia obtain a “CNI” (Certificate of Non Impediment to Marriage) before the wedding.
This is simply a letter from your Consulate or Embassy representative in Indonesia stating that there is no objection for you to get married in Indonesia. We will take you to the consulate, the cost in making CNI will be depending on the current regulation and it will be at additional cost.
For the Consulate to issue this letter, each couple must personally visit their country’s respective Consulate to swear an oath that they are free to marry, for some Embassy or Consulate office allow an application of CNI by sending all detail required by Embassy or Consulate office.
You must have with you the documents listed below. Once the oath has been taken, the Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage will be produced and handed over. This is usually done on the spot. Please advise, what country are you coming from?
The following information will be required in order to process your marriage certificate in Indonesia as follows:
• Copy of Passport (the couple) – MUST Valid at least six months following the date of arrival in Bali
• Copy of Birth certificates for both parties
• Details of religious faith (i.e. baptism certificates) – if any
• Full name, occupation, and domicile of both parties (please fill in the form attached)
• Written parental consent for any person under the age of 21
• Death certificate of former spouse (when relevant)
• Decree absolute divorce certificate (when relevant)
• Two (2) witnesses are required for your wedding. If you do not have any witnesses let us know so we can arrange somebody to do it. We need copy of passport of your witnesses too
• Eight (08) pieces of passport sized photographs (4 x 6 cm) are required. You must be photographed as a couple, groom on the left side and bride on the right side. The photographs are in colour with red background. (see attached photo for sample). FYI, these photos will be attached to your wedding certificate.
***All Copies of documents can be email to us. All originals must be brought to Bali that we will give and show to civil minister here.
The cost of Legal Wedding includes:
• Document processing to Religious and Civil Ofiice ( for arrange all document to priest and civil minister before the weeding day)
• Detailed explanation of all aspects of wedding procession via email or telephone
• Administration fee
• English speaking civil official minister
• Certificate of marriage from civil minister
• English speaking Priest
• Religious Certificate of Marriage
• Wedding Liturgi for wedding couple
• Pre-wedding meeting
• Assistance during ceremony
• Escort Wedding couple when meeting with their representative consulate on Bali
Price: Rp 7,500,000 Nett